2015-16 Homeschool schedule

Since beginning our homeschool journey I have realized just how much I LOVE having a schedule. Looking back at our schedule for last year it wasn’t nearly as detailed as our schedule for this year (as you can see.)

2015-16 Schedule
2015-16 Schedule

Now, you may not be as anal as I am but I feel better when it is all planned out. Will we stick to it every day? I doubt it. And of course I have a made a time table for each school day.

Time table

We try to stay on track with the daily schedule but some things take longer than expected. By the end of last year we had finished up social and science so our days were considerably shorter (which we all liked!)

How do you schedule your homeschool?

Am I Really Doing This?

I have considering starting a blog numerous times over the past year and thought, “why not now…at the beginning of the school year…during ringette evaluations…with my in-laws coming for a visit next week…” Maybe not the best time to begin this journey but here goes…

With my kids entering grade 9 I have been busy trying to figure out what I need to do so that they graduate with what they need. I have read through Alberta Education’s guides and pamphlets and, although they were informative, I am still at a loss for practical advice (so much mumbo-jumbo!) Where are the junior and senior high homeschool parents hiding? Please share your experiences with me. What worked? What didn’t work? What frustrations or victories have you been through?

I’m excited to start this adventure with you!